photo recap, what have i done =)

i step into thailand before !! haha go for thai camp, i guess erh,, in 2004 /2005 haha forget..
i look so innocent lol... I am change after that trip lol, change spiritually keke

my lovely classmates, we go to cherating after we graduate. miss them alot =) I love my degree class!

SYDNEY!!!!! one of the most memorable trip. Can't believe it that i am in australia one day so soon =) and more unbelievable im joining HIllsong Conference !! Inspired alot in the conference, how can i forget that meet darlene, rick warren, reinhard bonke, delirous?, and alot more christians there?! haha

countdown party = church event. Everyone wear nice nice to attend this o =)
2006, Pastor's wedding.. hei we are really enjoy it =) the whole church are busy with 3 weddings happen in a month >.<"" haha

2007 Bon odori, japanese festival in Panasonic stadium. meet alot of japanese that wear kimono, of course we thick face enough to shoot photo with them lol.. haha

2006 convention, Sarawak.. nice one, coz cg ppl are alot going this time. N i busy taking care of the gals in my group hahahaha.. nice ler.. mission night. all of us from different country

when i look at my friendster photo, wow.. just amaze by how much things that i have done =)