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":::Joleen Poh ::: Ordinary person ::: Like to sleep, eat, laugh, think nonsense ::: ."


" ::: Recently i just shifted, change a new job, start a new life in Cyberjaya ::: Busy with Wedding decoration, practise singing for life game, cg works and working ~ yea thats me always busy :::."


letter from nepal (may)

27 may

Hello everyone!!!!!

hehe we arrive safely in nepal on friday morning!!

me and my team exort by brother Prakash and bring us to guest house.. It is like hostel type. we stay in 2 different rooms. one for Guy and one for gal.

the environment here are very different from malaysia. the Road system with no rules, they drive as they like. They hav few typess of public transport. Taxi, Van, DUT DUT car. and buses. we go to places by buses, we tried DUT DUT also.. the DUT DUT Space is smaller than a noral car.. but it can fit more than 10 people!! some people jus jump on the car and hold it out side the car.

they also good in walking, can walk few hours and days to reach a destination.

shops and street are small.. we went to few places,. THAMEL tourist places, Prakash house and go around the streets.

there are few things that we learn and experiene

People in Nepal is merely friendly to us, they treat us really nice and serve us to their very best they can. I am very touch by their hospitality because they put us as their first priority , they try their best to satisfy our needs first then only . i am touch by their simple heart to serve...

their sunday service place is guest house, small with 3 beds inside. we sit on it to attned sunday servie. they sing with an instrument. their local drum, and amazingly thye din sing off tune!! EVEN though we cant understand their langague but touch by their worshipful heart.. we can really sense that they are really worship God and expressive..

and Hot Peng preach on sunday service, and me giving testimony. peopple there are responsive .. they always give "amen" hohohohoho,,, n i personally really encouraged by them when on the stage keke

we have our first leadership traning this morning. brother Hot peng teach them the importance of having cg meeting weekly. and we will have this training 2 days once .. coming we will wan to really demo to them how to run a real cg.

then we met sister lolitha from Hope singapore who permanently stay in Nepal.. she is a good heart sister.. she willing to sacrifice all her comfort jus to stay in nepal to help the chruh. She wants to pioneer student group.. and this is wat we plan to do there too

basically our days here are quite busy, sleep kinda late and wake up late HAHAHHA which is 11 pm and wake up 6 am.... they sleep at 9 plus and wake up at 5 am!!

really train us to be dicipline and always prepare to walk XD hehehhe... Thank God that we are still fine, kekke.. food here is REALLY CHEAP/// accodomodation also very CHEAP!@!! kids here really "guai'.. they very obedient and polite.... always say thank you to us hohohoho...

okla i find it very excited staying ehre.. and lookin forward for next... maybe you can pray for us

1. health ( Gui Wen still flu and sick ), we can remain healthy and consume enough nutrition// become healthier hohoh

2. able really to help Hope KAthmandu set up cg system, able to train up leaders among them

3. every plan an run smoothly


I miss you all :)

Love from


28 May

hi all, Namaste

today is the 4th day we aree in nepal, our trip getting more excited. we experience lack of sleep everyday hahahaha coz we are very fruitful ;)

yesterday we decieded to cook for the nepal brothers and sisters who serve us alot. Wooi Sim buy alot of sayur and chicken. make ABC Soup, cook chicken, vegetable and eggs. Chicken is very very expensive here.. and the portion we cooked is one of their best time eating in their life.. they nv eat such "luxurious meal" before.. coz the food = their one month salary.....so alot of them really happy eating that.. coz we have our meal in their restaurant.. their restaurant only have 4 tables.. so when we cook, we actually attracted 4 ppl come to try out our "chinese food"

But before we had our dinner... electectricity stop.. sat n sun night for 2 hours no electricity.. so when half way waiting out side the shop.. sitting there jus like nepalist culture.. we bring out guitar and have mini concert there ahahhahaha

well.. because of that, many people stop and oobserve us.. and the kids jus follow us singing along.. we jus sing praise and worship song coz we donno other songs chords hahah.. all of us getting so excited. even me as well, we really sing with the joy of the Lord.. coz this is the kind of mission trip we want. ;) u rarely see hot peng sing rite.. hehe that night he sing alot of 80 an manderin song hahahhahaha play guitar somemore !!


this morning me and Gui Wen bring breakfast to a pharmacy shop. we knew the lady last night.. then we jus had a long chat there, she is so responsive and want to join sat service this week

then this afternoon we walk to their campus.. about 15-20 minutes walk.. we jus spend 5 min there then go back.. BUT the walk is so fruitful...

coz along the way we met alot of college students... mostly guys.. then we jus simply approach them.. around 10 in total! .. 3 different campus.. wow.. this is nv happen in malaysia hahah.. coz all of them too friendly .. lol... and most of the guys are handsome... XD hahahhaha sissters don get jealouys.. coz i took photo with them hahaha.. we met one gal, the gal also very pretty and very polite .. guys and gals you can consider to come here for mission of pioneer ahhahahahaha

after take their no,.. this evening we straight play sport with them.. they really have alot of fun time ( i play with the kids and shoot video) ... but i also not lonely hahah coz few kids nearby jus come and approach me and the parents also talk to me.. so i get a few contacts tehre hehe.. ..

after sport. we even brought them to the restaurant to "chia liu" (tea time).. we play game, sing alot of songs. make the restaurant so noisy :P.. after that.. 5 min gathering become 30 minitues and more.. kaka.. one of the guy said to us.. this is his greatest moment in his life, he will never forget that.. wow, so touching.. hahaha

we really experience great fruits in reaching out and followup.. ppl here is so simple and open to foreign people..

Just want to encourage all of you.. continue to to talk to the students.. hope that you can experience great fruits in coming MMU intakes.. reaching out doesn seems like so difficult now ;) for those who haven try to reach out to stranger.. maybe you can try this time out.. thats really exciting and you will experience God greatly

Really want to thank God for all the fruits here... and All glory give to God. And thank God that we are still well in our body hehehe.. we will sure very hearlty back to malaysia coz we WALK ALOT hahaha

do continue to pray for us..

miss you all dearly



31 May

Ma timilai maya garchu... means i love you....

Namaste again,

Im happy to tell u news again lol.. well.. Steward is incharge of writing report to Pastor Kit Siang so I in charge to update news to you guys.. hehe so no worries.. he is very fine... and steward getting fat coz every meal he eat about 2 plates rice. And I thank God for his wonderful plan coz buses and people in nepal is quite short... so Steward head touch the top of the bus.. n he is very tall in nepal.. haha so ppl taller than steward are not the best candidate to go nepal HAHAHHAA...

ok what we did this 2 days.


we go out to get to know one of our church people's friends. at first i tot is jus 2 or 3 people... MANA TAHU.. he almost bring half of his classmates .. is like 10 plus people.. of course i faster take oppurtunity to video tape down that time hehehe... Very funny, most of the people we met are guys.. we don really have much gal contacts... together now we have about 20+ contacts in hand.. 2 different big groups,..

after that all of us together with contacts we go for site seeing in durbar sqaure, thamel and eat lunch together... very different scenery there.. i will let u see video when we back.. what is the amazing things that we experience is.. WE WALK BACK HOME FROM the town...!! we already quite tired walk around in varies places.. that really challenge us on physical strength to walk back.. i dono why we need to walk back but all of us jus follow coz we donno the way.. so in total we walk like 4 hours the half day.. siao liao.. BUT walking is normal in nepal.. so we have training before we go to pohkara.. mountain trekking.. hehe

after we reach home, one of the contact follow us back.... so while me and GUI WEN talking to him... we shared Christ to HIm, Gui wen do the talking and i share testimony.... I can see his eyes is wet but din cry la... aiyo people so simple there. haha when Guiwen ask him whether wan to accept Christ or not, he say more than 50% he will... He not yet Accpet Christ but he wan to see us once more time ;)

and the other gang that we reach out to are really active.. they like to stick with us and already 2 days play sport with them.. and they always stay till quite late only wan to go back haha.. so

tonight we will go to one of a their house, he will bring his frens.. so we plan to share Christ to ALL of them.. i getting excited haha.. remember to pray for us

then yesterday we went to one of the brother's house for cg.. the house is jus a room.. a bed and a cupboard.. very simple... but pack with lots of people.. the owner again serve us with lots of food.. ALOT.. is like 5-6 plates. got bread.. vege, fruists.. biscuits, and keropok...

the people there is really simple, children is mature and very helpful.. since small they trained to serve people, coz children always be the last group to have meal, this is wat we experience the big difference here. Steward say he was touch coz a children worship God durind praise and worship tim,e. again they also responsive to teaching and really easily to sense God;s presence there coz their hunger to come near to God.

today we jus relax and rest after few days of busy.. later me n Gui Wen will teach 2 of them guitar, and tonight go visitation.

Hot Peng seems like don wan to go back di.. and the kids likes wooi sim very much lol



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