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":::Joleen Poh ::: Ordinary person ::: Like to sleep, eat, laugh, think nonsense ::: ."


" ::: Recently i just shifted, change a new job, start a new life in Cyberjaya ::: Busy with Wedding decoration, practise singing for life game, cg works and working ~ yea thats me always busy :::."


Blessed Christmas! Wednesday, December 26, 2007 |

thanks for all the gifts! thats alot

i had a great service last night, the service itself is very touching, testimonies are great, performance are great too. Then most touching part is when more than 10 people accepted Christ.. wow ;) thank God.

N i felt His love again =)

seremban mission trip! Thursday, December 20, 2007 |

Really awesome trip! coz we been eating and eating all the way.. ahah our worship have make our best to sing n play ;) welcome charlotte to join us for the very first time praise and worship session..

1. morning we have our way to seremban at 1130am

2. 12 plus reach seremban and we get ourself loST!!

3. at the end we have our lunch in A&W hahahaha

4. we set up and practise in the church

5. we took nap.. and eat siu bau! and my favorite egg tart (opps, is cheese tart)

6. our session begin, we sing our best to the last song (hand in hand), real great man..

7. sin ying really perform well.. (fish leong)

8. we have powerful preaching session

9. seremban have their nice carolling team.. alot of songs

10. gift exchange

11. eat!!

12. go back..

we reach home at 11plus night.. its like 12 hours out there.. its exciting, n we build more team work throughout this trip. Seen quite no of ppl coming to the church, visitors and non believers, especially touch by the seremban ppl they work really hard for tonight, and they serve food for the elders first before letting us to eat refreshment :) All glory unto God..

我要快乐 Wednesday, December 19, 2007 |

在说别人坏话的时候我一点都不快乐,差不多每一天都听到很多很多埋怨,脑里有许许多多的垃圾。。是时候要打扫橱了。。尤其是上班。。我觉得我被关在笼子里,她们的世界似乎都是黑色,没半点色彩。。really feel like im in traped in a strong bondages.. Really tension and tired listen to their gosiping and complaints everyday.. or ... gals are like that???

and i jus become more quiet and quiet..

I hope i wont be the same like them..

N i hope you who reading this and my frens will not be like that.. Im getting tired.

give me some cheerful words ;)

jason lim Monday, December 17, 2007 |

can u believe it, he is jason... my assistant in my cg.. wuahahhaha so funny la

another punishment |

hahahahahhahaha :D

KL got to shout out loud er.. at the balcony to everyone that ... u listen la.. hahahaha

MMU CG fun time! Sunday, December 16, 2007 |

haha thanks to jason upload this clip.

this is the punishment for vincent and khai ling after losing in one of the game, both of them kena punish by acting on the spot..

really se cocok..! (kidding, really cordinate well as they nv discuss before )

let me briefly explain .. they are promoting "grapes"


1. story of eating grapes

2. vincent eat grape while think of charlotte

3. eat grape when happy time

4. wedding that time go into church, look at charlotte dad n eat grape

5. why vincent no reaction? coz he is too tension...

the end hahahahahaha

unexpected bonus.. hehe Thursday, December 13, 2007 |

hehe, unexpected God blessing..

I learn something from MNC which God will not give something that we don need it. And the blessing always goes according to my needs. Hehe actually compare to another company my bonus is much much lessor then them, is not even half of my one month salary. BUt why i so happy coz.

1. in the past years, this company only offer one time bonus. n the amount is so so much lessor than this time

2. I am temporary staff as u know

3. I din work OT like other colleages work so hard until 10pm or 11pm coz my team ppl finish work on time. Yet my team jus get 100 lessor than them.. my project leader whoever determine this amount of Bonus really good person haha..

N why I wan to stay in this company coz also wan to learn to love God more than money hehe..
Thank God

my new hair! Tuesday, December 11, 2007 |

MNC convention 2007 @ spiritual part |

I really blessed by this year MNC in kuching
before going to kuching i am quite excited already coz i can take a break from work and ministry, going there jus to receive from God and a refreshing time. I too very happy that my group ppl are involve in MNC closing ceremony hehehe

touch point

1. Life testimony of Hope JB. -

brother VIncent Tia, i went to his workshop about working for God. He share about his working experience for 10 years. The first few years working his major intention is work for himself not God, therefore he keep thinking just wan to earn money.. Due to his salary is low. He decided to open prawn business in JB by borrow money from his friend, he borrow alot n promise to pay his friend back within one year time. But the business fail, his prawns all died after 9 months coz he do not have any experience in prawn coz he study account. So he owe alot of money , should be more than 10k to open business that time.. after that he get a job with 1.9k. N he got to pay back at least 17 years loan if no need to makan for 17 years.. That time he is a serving Christian in Hope JB, but half hearted christian. He went to Pastor Kwang Li for help, Pastor just ask him " are u willing to sell of your car to pay back loan", he said yes.. then i think after one or few days,, Hope JB actually collect love offering for him to pay back the loan. Amazingly, the love offering is BIG enough to clear off all his loan! When he receive the money, he feel like he is nobody to receive the money and why he make mistakes but needs ppl around to bare his mistakes n pay for him.. that day onwards. he change totally n serve all his heart to God. Now he is HOPE batu pahat's cordinator.. that is so amazing!!

Pastor Kwang Li - I really touch by his life. He is a very simple guy and fail all his subject in SPM but with his simple heart wan to serve God, he alone go to JB and plant church.. After yearsss the chucrh now is very strong with alot of lovely lifes that been change. Even though in every preaching he sure share his thsi long time ago story and even do translation he seems like not so good. BUt his heart really great for God, therefore God use him greatly... God use a humble, a guy who seems like a corner stone who many ppl might look down on him.. people might not respect him coz he do not have skill.. But God use him greatly and raise him up .. and many lifes been transform coz of him.. Furthermore, God sent people who are talented and skillful to help him to strengthen the church.. I just think of myself who are lack of leadership skill, mayb there is people who r not respect me for this area.. I Just wan to learn from Pastor Kwang LI.. :)

2. Emotionaly - i know i got to learn to die to myself in emotional part. Learn to control my anger and love unlovely people..

3. Planning + fore sight - anyone should learn this area... learn to plan n think far, as myself i got to learn this in oerder to grow my cg.

4. Have Hope in others - i have fail many times in taking care sheeps n cg .. there is more than 5 sheeps that i taking care off in this 7 years... each one of them are very different.. and some are not here anymore.. and in these years of serving, my peer, my ex shepherd leave, my ex cg members leave.. those struggles and difficult people in my life once cause me lost hope... But in this MNC, i have learn to put hope on them and myself.. SHeeps and cg are not belong to me, ministry are not belong to me, job also not belong to me.. All belong to God, i just need to be faithful in my job. I feel to have hope In God again =)

5. Impart your life to them - learn to impart and share life with people under your care, dare to correct them with sincerity and honestly. Share your love sincerly.

6. God's Complete Authority - be confident in God and doing God's work with His authority.. When i lead got to be confident He will lead me through..

7. God's amazing grace

John 9: 5

john lol Thursday, December 6, 2007 |

family 2 |



Sheen Yeen

Sheue Yun

Chee Yi

Chia Hong

Chiu Ling ( cant help, try my best to draw d still doesn look the same)




family 1 |


khai ling




divine exchange Wednesday, December 5, 2007 |

My heart is captivated Lord by You alone
Captured by the awesomeness of You alone
Melted by the grace and mercy You have shown
I stand in wonder
I reach to You the One who makes the blind eyes see
Who breaks the chains of sickness with authority
Restoring what was broken
So it may fly again

I live to worship You
I breathe to worship You
All of my days Your face I will seek
For as I worship You
You lead me to that place
To that place of divine exchange

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus